It’s spring, and time to transform your wardrobe with a springtime organizing makeover

Did you celebrate Earth Day!

I've been planting seeds for the future

There is no truer saying like "April Showers brings May Flowers" especially in the midwestern part of the States where I live. There's a special feeling of excitement and relief when we hear the birds chirping and see the buds growing. If life were a garden, we'd be in the process of tilling, weeding, nourishing and planting seeds for future blooms. The seeds that I've been planting for a future success are slowly showing pretty blooms. Here is what I've been writing about.

What is Eco-Friendly Fashion?

On April 22, 2023, we celebrated Earth Day.

Set out to find better ways to be sustainable. In my blog post "The Closet Cleanse: A Guide to Organizing Your Closet for the New Season”, I describe the steps you can follow to create your own Eco-Friendly Fashion. It's when you repurpose your clothes and wear them in innovative ways to bring new life to them.

Organizing an office desk?

When you clear the clutter from your desk, you also remove the distractions. In this office, only the essentials were left on this desk. We cleared it out and shifted the scanner to the part of the desk that wasn't being used as often. The remaining productivity tools, piles of paperwork and supplies were sorted through.

The process of decluttering, shredding, recycling and finding a place for everything takes time, but when you find a place for things you own and know where everything is, you won't have to think about them again until you need them. You can finally work on whaaat matters most to you and know how to prioritize your day. When you're creating a flow to your daily routine, you start to see that you are getting more things done and meeting your goals.

Finding more ways to share my organizing skills



If you can, make Earth Day everyday! Organize something then get out to nature!

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Mercury Organizing

I’m Elizabeth Lulu Miranda, a professional organizer with a passion for creating beautiful, functional spaces in homes and offices. I help busy entrepreneurs, small business owners, content creators, busy parents and anyone trying to balance the work life balance. Helping anyone going through a life transition, I specialize in organizing homes to create harmony, and transforming offices to boost productivity. My newsletter shares the many ways you can align your space with how you want to live, work and meet your goals. I help create a space, that not only is efficient but also enjoyable to live and work in. When working in an office, you want to minimize distractions, clear non-essential tasks, and focus on growing your business. With experience as an office manager, I help businesses streamline their processes. I share the most basic methods used for not only organizing to specific clearing out clutter but also to building systems that keep everything in order, and streamlined. I make organizing stress-free, fun, and personalized to your needs

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Bookshelves, decluttered, painted and organized for a seasonal refresh

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Holding a seedling. Planting Seeds for the future!

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